As we expected, because of the physical shape of Andrei that outperform physique of Vasya, he can endure much more pain than Vasya. It also affects on the results of the Prisoners competition.
We often use our facilities as the torture center for criminals which needs to be interrogated using more strenuous methods. Criminal Yuriy is suspected in robbery but first, like many others, he'd like to play tough guy. We love and know how to play this game.
The second participant of the Prisoners Competition is Andrei. He has nothing to lose because anyway his regime is extremely strict and includes everyday tortures. During his imprisonment he's obtained better physical shape than ever. We cannot refuse in willing of participation to such decent competitor.
Because of we didn't get the answers from the Soldier Maxim we continued his interrogation but now using real torture methods used for the prisoners of war. And this time the Soldier was stripped of his underwear.
The final trials for the young prisoner Vasya have passed. He earned 785 points in summary. But who knows how sturdy and tolerant to pain will be the next participant of the competition and who will be the winner at the end...